The definition of Finnishness was hampered not only by lack of originality but also by the differences in the bestates/b, which in part articulated the picture of the nation. As far as texts of the nineteenth century are concerned, b...../b Seppo bHyrkäs/b. Art House, s.l. FAIRCLOUGH, Norman (1989): Language and Power. Longman, London. FAIRCLOUGH, Norman (1992): Discourse and Social Change. Polity Press, Cambridge. FEBVRE, Lucien & MARTIN, Henri-Jean (1976): The Coming of The ...
Ota kiinni jos saat / Frank W. Abagnale ja Stan Redding ; suomentanut Seppo Hyrkäs. Kätketyt kasvot : neljä vuotta talibanien ikeen alla / Latifa ; yhteistyössä Chekeba Hachemin kanssa ; suomentanut Anu Partanen ...
Well the day is almost here. We did rapelling today. The race looks challenging about 17 miles of biking, kayaking, hiking, rapelling, canyoning. It was designed by world champion adventure racer Nathan Fa' avae (or close to that). ...